Hated hijab, many women spurn.

(in memory of Mahsa Amini, murdered Kurdish Iranian woman who wasn’t “properly” dressed)

Brandishing scissors, cutting long hair,

women demonstrate to show they care

for Mahsa, murdered by a policeman’s hand:

few freedoms allowed, much sharia-banned.

Repressed voices on streets shout loud,

soldiers randomly shoot unarmed crowds,

empathy-enraged, eyes with anger burn:

cursed, hated hijab, many women spurn.

“Guidance” police-patrol, prissily precise,

demanding obedience from menacing “advice” –

such writ not stated in Quaranic sayings:

where is hair declared as sinful straying?

Dictatorial men, hollowed-out their piety,

their elephantine egos crush Iranian society;

young hearts and minds long since lost:

some find true peace through Pentecost…

No longer feared mythic beast.

Flare of firework rockets frighten

Confined bulls, senses heightened;

gates flung open, loud crowd goads

Stampeding bulls on cobble-stone roads:

Primal animal anger explodes.

Macho males, testosterone reckless,

Run with bulls, fearless and feckless;

Cloven footed hooves slip and slide,

Horns bloody mens white shirt sides:

Hundreds get injured, some have died.

Festival trumpets jocularly mock,

Slow pendulum, death ticking clock;

Stick swords penetrate your spine

Blood seeps out, sweat-like shine:

Your body broken by sadistic design.

O titanic toro, there’s no escape,

Matador teases with blood red cape,

Spectators celebrate while you die,

Speechless beast you cannot cry.

Who will shout stop – not I.

Wounded and weary now you kneel,

Matador ignores impassive appeal:

Now no longer feared mythic beast,

Sword plunge causes breathe to cease.

No last rites, no summoned priest.

Such cruelty should be banned,

blood graffiti shouts to God from sand.

Why are sentient creatures so oppressed

In such an unequal, barbaric contest?

Let your shrivelled soul be distressed…